Monitoring improves road safety

The systematic and random inspection of vehicles in the ASFINAG road network is a significant contribution towards improving road safety. To ensure that the controls are reliable, we have set up 13 multi-functional traffic control areas jointly with the federal provinces and the Federal Ministry for the Interior.

This is how they work: Electronic displays divert the traffic from the motorway to the control area. 

Here is an overview of who monitors what.

ASFINAG services and controls:


  • Road traffic regulations, motor vehicle and driving licence act (Kraftfahr- und Führerscheingesetz)

Federal Ministry of Finance:

  • Customs investigations and customs audits

The federal provinces:

  • In-depth inspection in accordance with the motor vehicles act (Kraftfahrgesetz) § 56, according to which motor vehicles that give rise to concern "are to be investigated by the authority to ensure they comply with the provisions of the federal act".

The control areas have the right infrastructure to ensure that efficient checks can be carried out with regard to road safety. In addition to a lorry weighing station, the areas also have facilities for the automatic measurement of vehicle lengths and widths, and separate toll sticker control stations, and some have inspection pits and halls. There are currently 13 control areas in Austria.