Lorry parking information system
Where can I take my breaks? Which car park is nearby? Where are there free parking spaces? The lorry parking information system helps (professional) drivers find a free parking space. With the ASFINAG app Unterwegs you can see these parking spaces on your mobile.Only well rested drivers are safe on the roads. This particularly applies to professional lorry drivers. Our lorry parking information system is a bespoke service that prevents you from exceeding the time you are allowed to drive and saves you from spending a long time looking for a parking space.

Every five years, the utilization of our truck parking spaces throughout Austria is recorded through counts. On the basis of this data, we plan the expansion of the truck parking space.
Live & around-the-clock information
The staff of the regional traffic management centres monitor the parking spaces and are therefore always up do date, and you will be kept up to date with the car parks' occupancy rate. Along the route this will be displayed on overhead signs or updated notification boards. If these signs or displays are not available on a motorway section, other signs will keep you updated about the car parks. In addition, there are ASFINAG webcams that help you find a parking space. You can find the webcams that show you the available lorry parking spaces on the ASFINAG website, the traffic information service and ASFINAG's app Unterwegs.
The current upgrade of the ASFINAG lorry parking information service is co-financed by the Connection Europe Facility of the European Union.