Facts and Figures

Significant figures are the hallmarks of every company. We have compiled for you facts & figures.
Symbol Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter3.233 EmployeesSymbol Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen in Österreich2.265 km Network lengthSymbol Brücke5.862 BridgesSymbol Tunnel168 Tunnels
Symbol Anschlussstellen
383 Connection points
Symbol Maut
6 Toll stations
Symbol Autobahnmeisterei
42 Motorway operation and maintenance facilities
Symbol Webcam/Verkehrsmanagementzentrale
9 Control centres
Symbol Verkehrszahlen/Fahrleistung Pkw, Lkw, Bus

Year mileage 2023

  • total traffic: 32,6 Mrd. km
  • light transport (maximum gross vehicle weight 3,5 tons): 28,8 Mrd. km
  • heavy traffic (maximum gross vehicle weight over 3,5 tons): 3,9 Mrd. km
 Symbol Parken & Rasten

Parking and Resting

  • Service stations: 87
  • Rest areas: 59
  • Parking areas: 109
  • Parking places for HGVs: 10.316
  • Park & Drive areas: 73
Symbol VignetteTotal sold toll sticker 2022
28 Mio. pieces
 Symbol Einnahmen

Revenue 2023

  • Go-Maut: 1.686 Mio. Euro
  • Vignette: 574 Mio. Euro
  • Section toll: 238 Mio. Euro
Symbol Bilanz

Net income 2023:
3,24 Mrd. Euro

Infrastructure investments 2022:

  • Neu projects: 499 Mio. Euro
  • Maintenance: 717 Mio. Euro

Last change: 16.04.2024